Relatives from afarrrrrrr. 


Today I see Mum’s brother and his wife, David and Eve, whom I have not set eyes on since 2001. The reason, mostly, is that THEIR house, in Northampton, is 18,562km away from MY house, in Napier. They are absolutely lovely, genuine, kind human beings. Successfully retired and in their early 70’s, they are travelling to New Zealand for the final time. We lunch at the Mission, which is where you should always lunch if you need rock steady reliability of cuisine for overseas visitors. I find it very relaxing being amongst this group of family. (Apart from Dad, who zones out and fidgets on purpose which means I have to kick him in the left ankle to alert him to the fact that he must PLAY the GAME for an hour or so, his success rate with in-laws being NOT GREAT-but that’s all normal). I find it SO relaxing that I let my accent, that constant niggling sink for self-esteem because I sound so geekster and pathetic to Kiwi ears, slip back into its full force natural English. I find this so liberating I nearly cry. I have my once a decade thought about selling up and moving back to the UK, I’d fit in SOOOOO much better there….And David says with a club card one can get a pint of reserve cider for ONE POUND FIFTY! Man, it’s worth it for that alone!

After delightful food and wine in the Hawke’s Bay sun, I say goodbye to my uncle and aunt for what is, on balance of probabilities, forever.







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