Turtle lurve.

Well, we finally luck in with this turtle spotting bizzo. Craig has spied a thing where you go out on a catamaran and they give you little snacks and drinks. And you see turtles. After previous attempts which have frankly been a mistake, I have seriously low expectations.

The whole thing is incredible. We take the earliest time possible, our driver tells us that there are only 6 on the boat and this is the only cruise of the day. I cannot believe they are going to run it, (they most usually take 40), and I say this to the captain. He says they can’t believe they are doing it either, but he does it in that nice fashion for tourists, so we do not feel too bad about dragging him away from his potential day off where he would have otherwise been surfing and jumping off waterfalls and slurping at all day happy hours.

The water is crystalline clear and we disembark (well some of us jump in like banshees with a snorkel attached but whatever). Instantly we see turtles, so close. They come here for the such-and-such fish to clean algae off their shells. Most are just basking, checking in for this aquatic beauty treatment, but I spot the odd one sleeping on the bottom and a couple of frisky ones busy creating the next green sea turtle lineage. We see about six in total. One in particular looks totally crapped out. Our water guide says he’s over a hundred years old. They can live to be 150, which I find pretty cool.

It is completely perfect. We sail back to the harbour and I have the biggest grin on my face.

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Fun in the blue.

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Three (thousand) Little Fishies.

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Coming up for air.

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Way on down.

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Towards the sun.

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